


what is hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are swollen veins in the lower part of the anus and rectum, this pain is felt when the walls of these veins become distended and dilated, which means that there is an infection.

Age, pregnancy and constipation are among the causes of hemorrhoids

Although hemorrhoids can sometimes be painful, most people get better by not using any chemical drugs but they deal with the disease naturally, which includes lifestyle changes such as changing the way they eat and exercising which can reduce the symptoms of the pain and also reduce the risk of developing hemorrhoids in the future

In this article we will discuss the symptoms, causes and treatment of hemorrhoids including how to prevent them and when to seek help.

Symptoms of hemorrhoids include:



Swelling of the rectum

Some of the symptoms may be uncomfortable but will resolve on their own after a few days

Although health care professionals do not fully understand the cause of hemorrhoids, these are believed to be some of the causes of hemorrhoids.


During pregnancy, the growing weight of the fetus and uterus puts pressure on the pelvis that causing hemorrhoids to occur in 35 percent of pregnant women.


Hemorrhoids are most common in adults aged 45-65 years, but can also affect children and adolescents.


Hemorrhoids can occur after chronic diarrhea

Chronic constipation

When a person`s stomach sits on, it often happens that the stool comes out under pressure, which can cause the pressure to affect the veins that pass through the rectum and eventually result in hemorrhoids.

Being late to the bathroom

Prolonged sitting on the toilet can cause constipation due to exposure to polluted air from the toilet


Eating unnatural foods can contribute to hemorrhoids


Reliable researches is reporting that overweight is at higher risk of hemorrhoids

Natural treatment for hemorrhoids

Simple steps will reduce the symptoms of hemorrhoids and the pain may go away on its own

However, medication or surgery may be necessary in some cases

The following home remedies may help relieve hemorrhoid symptoms


Increasing water intake can help soften hard stools

Eating different kinds of food and so on

Hemorrhoids parts

Hemorrhoids are divided into one that occurs inside and outside the anus

Health care professionals use eye grading systems to define internal and external hemorrhoids

Internal hemorrhoids

This type occurs inside the rectum and is not visible on the outside of the anus, and   is usually painless.

Rectal bleeding is often the first symptom of internal hemorrhoids

If internal hemorrhoids develop it is known as external hemorrhoids

This condition may be due to weakness of the muscles around the rectum

External hemorrhoids

This type of hemorrhoids is the skin around the anus and is visible on the outside

This part of the body has a lot of nerves which means that external hemorrhoids can be very painful.

Stool straining can cause internal or external hemorrhoids to bleed


A doctor will most likely ask about your medical history and perform tests to check for hemorrhoids.

Prevention of hemorrhoids

Lifestyle changes can help reduce the risk of developing hemorrhoids

Eating healthy food

Eating lots of fiber-rich foods like vegetables and whole grains will help keep your stools soft.

The next problem caused by hemorrhoids              

It is possible that many problems can be inherited from hemorrhoids, but we will briefly mention the problems that can be recognized by the symptoms

Bleed out

A smaller anus passage

A blood clot

Bladder infection

When you should contact a doctor

Anyone with the following symptoms should seek immediate medical attention

Frequent heavy bleeding with or without pain

Pus coming from below

A fever

It is important to talk to the doctor if the condition is not getting better or has worsened.

Do hemorrhoids cause erectile dysfunction?

Before I answer the question directly, there is a popular belief which most men believe that hemorrhoids have a serious effect on their performance in bed.

When the above question was asked by the medical experts, their answer was that there is no something between hemorrhoids and erectile dysfunction.

The experts added that hemorrhoids can be one of the causes of erectile dysfunction in 5 percent because it is related to pelvic pain but it is never the official reason for the complete loss of erection.


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